Thursday, November 18, 2010

March 15

I was walking in the streets today and i saw Caesar and some of his followers pushing petitions in the streets. I suggested that they come to the Capitol. I was so nervous when Popilius said good luck with your endeavor. Somehow he new about our plan which made me think if anyone else knew. Brutus asked me what he said and when i told him he remained calm about it. Then we all entered the Capitol to talk with Caesar to talk about Publius Cimber's freedom. Caesar kept saying he can't be persuaded and never will change his mind. When Casca went to speak to Caesar he said, "let my hands speak for me!" He then stabbed Caesar followed by everyone else. Brutus was the last one to go. Finally the ambitious man got what he deserved and it was the start of liberty, freedom, and the end of slavery.

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